Los Solidos Information
Scope: The Solidos are known to be active primarily in the Hartford, New London, East Lyme, Norwich, New Britain and Waterbury areas and within the Correctional Facilities of Connecticut. In recent years this group has been migrating to MA, NY, NH, ME and PA, and other states. This migration is do to the result of RICO laws convictions, with members remaining in the states in which they were imprisoned.
Gender Make Up: Predominately Male, with some females calling themselves Solidas.
Racial and Ethnic Make UP: Primarily Hispanic, with some Black and White members.
Organization: Los Solidos have an established hierarchy including Godfather, President, Vice President, and Enforcers. Los Solidos also have "the Committee" which consists of the "top 10 members" in the gang. The committee decides positions as well as changes in position within the gang. The committee also decides when to call in the "enforcers" to take care of a problem. All new members in Los Solidos must appear before the committee first, before being accepted. Los Solidos rules and regulations dictate that "the committee" is the backbone of the gang, and any judgments or decisions made by the committee shall be respected and carried out. By-laws include one page of 23 rules for "Solidos on Probation."
Prison Leadership: Los Solidos are directed inside of each Correctional Facility by a committee of six top executive positions, with a President and Vice President as the two top level positions.
Gang Colors: The Los Solidos colors are Blue and Red. (Ghetto Brothers-Blue, Savage Nomads-Red). Los Solidos will display their colors in beads, their
clothing as well as their graffiti and pictures they draw. Some of the more popular clothing worn by Los Solidos are the sports attire which have the colors red and blue.Emblems: Identification cards with joker masks, usually with colors red and blue; "La Famila" above the masks and "Solidos" below the mask. The member's first name or nickname will appear to the bottom left of the mask.
Alliances: 20 Luv, Elm City Boys (ECB's); The ESSE and O.F.O (Original Family Organization) both appear to be a baby-sets that provide them with new members
Rivals: Latin Kings, Nation, Pump Nation,Brotherhood/Roots, Ă‘ETA.
Criminal Activity: Murder, drive-by shootings, extortion, assaults, intimidation, drugs.
History: Los Solidos were formed in Hartford, CT between 1990-1991 and are basically comprised of Hartford street gangs, the Savage Nomads and the Ghetto Brothers. The Los Solidos have also accepted members from the Latin Locos in their gang as well. The Savage Nomads and Ghetto Brothers consolidation was based principally on the fact that other gangs were outnumbering them, thus they emerged and became known as Los Solidos, meaning "The Solid Ones". Los Solidos are known to be active primarily in the Hartford, CT area, correctional facilities in Connecticut, and other states in close proximity to Connecticut as well.
In 1994 Los Solidos branched out and started a younger faction of the gang in Hartford, CT calling them "OFO", "Original Family rganization". The OFO members' ages ranges from 9 to 19 years old, although there are reports of some OFO/Solido members being much younger. The OFO has spread to other cities in Connecticut as well as the Correctional Facilities. They also call themselves "smurfs", and their colors are "Blue and White". They have been known to represent their colors in handkerchiefs, beads and the clothing they wear. Members of Los Solidos/OFO consider themselves "La Familia" or "The Family".
Recent intelligence from sources familiar with the gang suggests that Los Solidos in Hartford, CT have split into two regions in the state (southeastern and the orginal) as will as two factions along geographical lines within the city, the north and south ends of Hartford, CT. The south end faction is calling themselves "Da Law", the north end faction call themselves Los Solidos. Further intelligence seems to confirm this and points to the Lawrence Street area as the focal point of "Da Law". and the New London County area as the Southeastern area.
Propensity for Violence: Members of the Solidos have exhibited violence both inside our Correctional Facilities and on the streets of Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport. Violence includes assaults on staff, inmates and members who do not conduct themselves in a manner which is in accordance to the gang's strict rules. Street violence includes murder, shootings, stabbings, and assaults on non-members over street turf and drug deal territory. The Solidos refer to "hits" as "missions" and will require members to take part on a mission. If the member fails to carry out the mission, he/she will be the subject of a mission to terminate him/her.
Los Solidos have also been involved in a drive-by shooting which resulted in the death of a 7 year old girl and the wounding of her father, both the victims of mistaken identity.
When a member of the Solidos has a fight with a rival gang member, or any other individual for that matter, it is usually not a fair one and will involve other members of the Solidos.
Finances: The main source of income for the Solidos inside Correctional Facilities are funds derived from drug sales (mainly heroin), extortion, and remittance for work contracted out by gangs that align themselves with the Solidos. Outside of Correctional Facilities, the main source is derived from the sale of drugs (mainly heroin). Extortion has also been reported by local authorities in Hartford, New London and Norwich.
Leadership: The Solidos are directed inside each Correctional Facility by a committee of six top executive positions, with a President and Vice President as the two top level positions.
The rules of the Solidos require a strict adherence to the established hierarchy by the rank and file members. The consequences for not obeying the leadership of the Solidos is similar to that of the Latin Kings, which usually involves physical retribution up to and including death.
Identification: Members of the Solidos will align themselves with the 20 Luv and Elm City Boys (ECB's). Members will display the colors blue and red on belts, homemade necklaces, wrist bracelets, shoe strings, and may wear belts comprized of metal links depecting the theatrical muses "Tragedy" and ""Comedy" and baseball caps with "Solidos" written in white on the front of the cap.