Elm City Boys (ECB) Information


Scope: Primarily located in correctional facilities in Connecticut and appear to be a conglomeration of New Haven Street Gangs who have displayed a tendency to unite in the Correctional Facilities as the "ECB". According to intelligence gathered, the following New Haven street gangs comprise of the ECB within the Connecticut Department of Correction: The Ville", "The Hill", "Jungle boys", "KSI", "Island Family/Brothers" and "Elm City Posse".

Gender Make Up: Predominately male.

Racial Make Up: Mostly black, with a few Hispanics and Whites.

Organization: Appears to be well organization. There are seven (7) leadership positions consisting of Executive President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Enforcer and Lieutenant. By-laws consist of twenty-five (25) rules for members and rudimentary outline of duties for the leadership positions.

Colors: Green and Black

Alliance: 20 Luv and the Solidos

Rivals: Latin Kings, Ñeta, and Brotherhood.

Criminal Activity: Extortion, drug dealing, theft and mandatory recruiting.

Hand Signal: See attached picture.

History: The Elm City Brothers is a New Haven based gang, with a branch in Meriden, CT that is aggressively recruiting within the Department of Correction and the communities. Most members have had previous involvement with New Haven gangs on the streets as outlined above. The ECB's have surfaced in the Connecticut Department of Correction facilities for the past year and one half. According to intelligence gathered, it is believed that the ECB was formed primarily based on geographical lines and as a show of numerical force inside the correctional facilities. Recent reports show that a former Meridan set member is activitively recruiting in the Norwich - New London region.

Propensity For Violence: Records show that many violent acts have been recorded within the DOC facilities to include beatings on inmates refusing to join the gang, retaliation on other gang members for intimidation tactics, and as a show of force to other gangs. The ECB's have been involved with several violent acts in conjunction with and support of the 20 Luv Security Risk Group.

Within the cities of New Haven and Meriden, CT violent acts have been reported to include beatings on those refusing refusing to join the gang, retaliation on other gang members for intimidation tactics, and as a show of force to other gangs. The ECB's have been involved in a number of drive by shootings and at least one has resulted in a death.

Identifiers: The ECB are very difficult to identify. To date only one example records of an emblem designated for this gang has been found. Recent infomation reflects that member will usually use their particular gang ID's (i.e., "The Ville", "KSI", etc.)

Here is some Elm City Boys graffiti